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News - Dedicated One of the special features of the April Art walk was the project undertaken by Downtown Lafayette.

Robert Dafford’s “Flying Violin” Mural Dedicated One of the special features of the April Artwalk was the project undertaken by Downtown Lafayette Unlimited & the Downtown Development Authority to restore and enhance Robert Dafford’s mural “The Flying Violin”. Downtown Lafayette partnered with Festival International to host a public ceremony rededicating the mural, painted originally in 1988 as the first in a series connecting Lafayette to Canada, France and Belgium.

The mural also signifies Cajun music being exported from Louisiana to other parts of the world. Robert Dafford has painted over 350 murals across the United States, Canada, France, Belgium.

Robert Dafford’s “Flying Violin” Mural Dedicated

Left to right: Jack Russo, President of Downtown Lafayette Unlimited (DLU), Robert Dafford, Mural Artist, Joey Durel LCG Mayor-President, Cathy Webre, Ex Dir DLU, Michele Constantin, Pres Festival International. Musicians Chris Stafford and Philippe Billeaudeaux.



News - The Murals on Main project was launched in 1992 by Pine Bluff Downtown Development, Inc.

The Cheif Saracen Mural
by Robert Dafford

The Story of Chief Saracen

The Chief Saracen mural located at Barraque & Main is the first in Pine Bluff by Robert Dafford, the internationally known mural artist who painted it. It is not known exactly how much of the Chief Saracen story is legend and how much is truth, but it is known that the event portrayed in the story occured before Pine Bluff was an incorpororated city and before Arkansas was a state. The story

The Murals on Main project was launched in 1992 by Pine Bluff Downtown Development, Inc., a non-profit organization with the goal of revitalizing downtown. Thirteen murals have been completed so far, and nine more are planned for a total of 22.

News - The first twenty panels from Jefferson Street to Broadway were completed in 2001 and feature many historic scenes in chronological order from the 1940s back to the early 1880s.


PADUCAH Wall To Wall

PADUCAH Wall To Wall

Renowned artist Robert Dafford and his team of muralists capture Paducah’s rich history in paintings on the city’s floodwall overlooking the confluence of the Ohio and Tennessee Rivers. This visionary project began in the Spring of 1996, and currently features 54 murals. Scheduled completion of all of the murals on the city side of the floodwall is 2007.

The first twenty panels from Jefferson Street to Broadway were completed in 2001 and feature many historic scenes in chronological order from the 1940s back to the early 1880s.

News - As first reported in our January 2009 newsletter, ULEDF has partnered with UL and Lafayette Consolidated Government to invigorate the I-10/University Avenue exit by cleaning the area, creating a mural depicting a UL logo, coordinating UL red and white landscaping with surrounding landowners, and improving the lighting in the area.


Robert Dafford To Paing UL Mural In Upper Lafayette

Robert Dafford, the acclaimed mural artist who hales from right here in Lafayette, has graciously stepped in to kick off our efforts! Mr. Dafford has over 35 years experience painting murals and has painted over 300 murals across the United States, Canada, France, Belgium and England; his works have revitalized downtowns in small communities and also exposed many people to art and culture who may otherwise never have had such an experience. We are grateful to have an artist of such talent and generosity of spirit working on our behalf.

Thanks again go out to Gerald Breaux and the Lafayette Convention and Visitor’s Commission, Representative Joel Robideaux and Senator Mike Michot, who all facilitated the award of $7,000.00 in grant monies to get us on our way. Additional funding will be needed to complete our vision for transforming of the area. Persons interested in donating to the fund are encouraged to contact Jan Swift at jan@upperlafayette.com

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